Our Scottish Future
Join former UK Prime Minter Gordon Brown and the Our Scottish Future team for conversation and debate with interesting individuals, smart thinkers and people with new ideas about how we can build a more cooperative UK. Our Scottish Future fights for a better Scotland within a reformed UK, and for a more cooperative UK.
Podcasting since 2021 • 21 episodes
Our Scottish Future
Latest Episodes
Bringing Positive Change to the Community with Katie Kelly
Positive change is possible in Scotland, and it's happening. New podcast with former East Ayrshire local authority leader Katie Kelly on how the council there helped to build vibrant communities. Political consensus needed to promote thi...
Season 1
Episode 20

Scotland's Schools: The Next Pisa the Puzzle with Lindsay Paterson and Melvyn Roffe
In the wake of disappointing PISA results, Our Scottish Future Director Eddie Barnes is joined by two experts in Scottish education: Lindsay Paterson, Emeritus Professor of Education Policy at the University of Edinburgh and Me...
Season 1
Episode 19

A Little Less Conversation: Closing Scotland's Implementation Gap
*LINK TO VIEW SLIDES REFERENCED*The recording of the presentation of the new report from Our Scottish Future. Titled, "A Little Less Conver...
Season 1
Episode 18