Our Scottish Future
Join former UK Prime Minter Gordon Brown and the Our Scottish Future team for conversation and debate with interesting individuals, smart thinkers and people with new ideas about how we can build a more cooperative UK. Our Scottish Future fights for a better Scotland within a reformed UK, and for a more cooperative UK.
Our Scottish Future
Buses with Dr Pete Wood and Mark Ross
March 31, 2022
Our Scottish Future
Season 1
Episode 6
In this week's podcast, Eddie Barnes speaks to two experts in sustainable transport, Dr Pete Wood and Mark Ross, the co-authors of our report on reforming Scotland's bus network, which was released earlier this week. They chat about their proposals, which include maximum £2 bus fares, as well as Scotland's ferries row and the nationalisation of Scotland's rail network.
Click the link to read Pete and Mark's report Cheaper Journeys, Faster.
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