Our Scottish Future
Join former UK Prime Minter Gordon Brown and the Our Scottish Future team for conversation and debate with interesting individuals, smart thinkers and people with new ideas about how we can build a more cooperative UK. Our Scottish Future fights for a better Scotland within a reformed UK, and for a more cooperative UK.
Our Scottish Future
Health inequalities with Prof David Kerr
Our Scottish Future
Season 1
Episode 2
Prof David Kerr is one of the most respected NHS figures in the UK. He is a leading voice in NHS reform and co-author of our report on the UK’s widening health inequalities.
In this episode David talks to Our Scottish Future Campaign Director, Eddie Barnes, about growing up in Maryhill, his experiences of NHS reform under the last Labour government, why he considers widening health inequalities to be a breach of human rights, and how cooperation across the regions and nations of the UK can end the national disgrace of health inequality.
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